Deleting directories in Linux: How to delete files and folders

When using Linux, it is important to know how to delete files and folders. Removing unnecessary files and directories can help your system run smoothly and efficiently.

In this guide, we will explain what a directory or folder is, what it is used for, and how to delete folders in Linux step by step.

Table of Contents
  1. What is a Linux directory? What is it for?
    1. What are directories in Linux?
  2. What are all the commands to delete files and folders from Linux terminal?
    1. How to delete an empty directory (rmdir command)?
    2. How to permanently delete directories from a Linux terminal?
  3. Conclusion

What is a Linux directory? What is it for?

A Linux directory is a hierarchical file system that contains files and subdirectories. It serves as the basic unit for organizing data in Linux-based operating systems and allows users to efficiently store and manage data.

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What are directories in Linux?

Linux directories have a tree structure, with the root directory (/) at the top. Subdirectories are located below the root directory and may contain other subdirectories. Each file or directory is represented by its own unique path - starting at the root - allowing easy navigation through the system.

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What are all the commands to delete files and folders from Linux terminal?

Before using any command or utility, we recommend that you back up files that you do not need to delete. Once you hit enter, you'll never hear them again.

Below we explain how to delete a directory in Linux:

  1. rm: Command rm It is used to delete files and directories in Linux. To delete a file, type 'rm filename' in the terminal. To delete a directory and all its contents, use 'rm -r directory name'.
  2. rm is: This command deletes empty directories in Linux. To delete an empty directory, type 'rmdir directory name' in the terminal.
  3. rm -rf: This command is used to force delete directories and their contents in Linux. Be very careful when using this command as it can delete system files if used incorrectly. To use it, type "rm -rf directory name".

How to delete an empty directory (rmdir command)?

To delete an empty directory in Linux, type 'rmdir directory name' in the terminal. This will delete the specified directory if it is empty. If you want to delete a non-empty directory, use the command rm - rf.

How to permanently delete directories from a Linux terminal?

To permanently delete a directory from a Linux terminal, you can use the command rm or command rm - rf. Command rm It is used to delete files and directories in Linux. To delete a file, type 'rm filename' in the terminal. To delete a directory and all its contents, use 'rm -r directory-name'.


Deleting a directory in a Linux operating system is usually sufficient and does not cause any query errors.

Following the previous instructions, you can delete a folder, files or an entire directory in Linux using the command line.

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