What is structured programming? - Learn 10 keys to start your developer career

In the vast world of programming, structured programming is an essential technique that every programmer should know. By improving the clarity, quality and time of software development, structured programming becomes an invaluable tool. So, What is structured programming and how to master it? This practical guide will reveal 10 keys to confidently entering structured programming.

Table of Contents
  1. Key 1: Understand what structured programming is
  2. Key 2: Master structured programming languages
  3. Key 3: Understanding the Böhm-Jacopini theorem
  4. Key 4: Correct use of control structures
  5. Key 5: Write understandable code
  6. Key 6: Knowledge of the principles of functions
  7. Key 7: Learn to solve problems using algorithms
  8. Key 8: Familiarize yourself with the differences with other paradigms
  9. Key 9: Perform testing and debugging
  10. Key 10: Practice, practice and practice some more
  11. Conclusion

Key 1: Understand what structured programming is

The first step to mastering structured programming is understanding what it is. Structured programming is a paradigm that uses routines or subroutines in your code. By breaking programs into smaller parts, structured programming allows programmers to create programs that are more efficient and easier to understand and maintain.

This paradigm is based on three main control structures: sequence, selection and repetition. A sequence implies that the code is executed line by line. A selection allows certain pieces of code to be executed only if a certain condition is met. And repetition allows a block of code to be executed multiple times.

Key 2: Master structured programming languages

There are several programming languages ​​that are ideal for learning and practicing structured programming. Among the most prominent are C and Pascal, which are considered the pillars of this paradigm because of their strength Focus on organization and structure. In addition, you can also find elements of structured programming in other languages ​​such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, which are popular and widely used in the software development industry. Each of these languages ​​offers unique features that can Help you understand and effectively apply the principles of structured programming.

Although each language has its own characteristics, most follow the same basic rules of structured programming. Mastering these languages ​​will not only help you be a better structured programmer, but also This will give you a solid foundation for learning other programming languages ​​and paradigms in the future.

Key 3: Understanding the Böhm-Jacopini theorem

The Böhm-Jacopini theorem, also known as the structured program theorem, is a fundamental concept in structured programming. This theorem asserts that any computable function can be implemented using only three control structures: array, selection (if/else), and iteration (loops).

This theorem has a very relevant role in structured programming, since it provides a theoretical justification for using these three control structures. In addition, it allows programmers to be sure that any problem can be solved with these structures, without having to resort to jump instructions such as GOTO.

Key 4: Correct use of control structures

Management structures are the basis of structured programming. These are building blocks that allow programmers to control the flow of programs. Among the most commonly used are loops (for, while), conditional statements (if, else) and arrays (the order in which the instructions are executed).

It is important to use these control structures properly to maximize the efficiency and readability of your code. To do this, it is necessary to understand when and how to use each of them. For example, a for loop is useful when you know how many times you want to repeat an action, while a while loop is more appropriate when you want to repeat an action until a certain condition is met.

Key 5: Write understandable code

Clarity is key in programming. A good programmer not only writes code that works, but also takes care of it clarity and readability of your code. This includes using descriptive names for variables, functions, and other elements of your code. In addition, it is important to maintain a logical and coherent structure throughout the code.

Clear, well-organized code is easier to understand, debug, and maintain. It also facilitates collaboration by allowing other developers to quickly understand your code. Therefore, you should always strive to make your code as clear and readable as possible.

Key 6: Knowledge of the principles of functions

Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task. They are fundamental in structural programming, because They allow you to break the program into smaller, more manageable parts. A good rule of thumb is that each function should have a single, well-defined purpose.

To get the most out of the features, it's important to understand their basic principles. For example, you need to understand how to define a function, how to call a function, and how to pass arguments to a function. You should also know how a function returns a value and how that value can be used in other parts of your code.

Key 7: Learn to solve problems using algorithms

An algorithm is a series of step-by-step instructions for solving a particular problem. In structured programming it is essential to know how to turn a problem into an efficient algorithm and then translate that algorithm into code.

To master this skill, it is useful to practice with a variety of problems. You can start with simple problems and then move on to more complex problems. Over time, you will develop a better intuition for designing efficient algorithms and You will learn to translate them more efficiently into code.

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Key 8: Familiarize yourself with the differences with other paradigms

Although structured programming is very useful, it is not the only way to program. There are other paradigms, such as object-oriented programming or functional programming, that offer different ways of thinking about problems and structuring code.

It is important to know these differences in order to choose the most appropriate paradigm for each project. For example, while structured programming is ideal for simple, linear tasks, object-oriented programming is often better suited for larger and more complex systems. By knowing the pros and cons of each paradigm, you'll be able to make more informed decisions and be a more versatile developer.

Key 9: Perform testing and debugging

Software development doesn't just end with writing code. Testing and debugging are two essential components of the development process. Testing helps you make sure your code is doing what it's supposed to do and debug it helps you identify and correct errors that may occur.

To perform effective testing, it is important to have a good understanding of the test cases. This includes understanding the differences between unit tests, integration tests, and system tests. It is also crucial to learn how to use the debugging tools available in your preferred programming language.

Key 10: Practice, practice and practice some more

Like any skill, structured programming takes practice. Even if you can understand all the theoretical concepts, the only way to really master structured programming is through constant practice. This includes both individual practice and cooperation with other developers.

The good news is that there are many ways to exercise. You can work on personal projects, contribute to open source projects, or even participate in programming contests. Any form of practice will help you improve your skills and gain confidence in your ability to apply structured programming principles.


Mastering structured programming is a fundamental part of becoming a competent programmer. Through a solid understanding of what structured programming is, mastery of programming languages, understanding of control structures and principles of functions, and the ability to solve problems through algorithmsyou can become an expert structured programmer.

Remember that the learning process does not end with just understanding these concepts. Constant exercise and exposure to various problems They are essential for deepening your understanding and improving your skills. And remember, every developer faces challenges and makes mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from these and move forward.

Structured programming is more than a technique, it's a way of thinking that can be applied outside the world of software development. With a structured approach to problem solving, You can improve your logical thinking skills and become better at solving problems in general.

Now that you have the 10 keys to mastering structured programming, why not start applying them? Good luck on your way to mastering structured programming!

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