10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Will Still Matter to Businesses in 2023

Although we are in the digital age, where social networks and instant messaging applications have taken over the world, there is one marketing strategy that is still relevant and effective: E-mail marketing. But why is email marketing still important? We explain it to you below.

Table of Contents
  1. What is email marketing?
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing
    1. Advantages
    2. Disadvantages
  3. 10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Still Important for Businesses in 2023
    1. 1. Direct and consensual communication
    2. 2. Direct and reliable channel
    3. 3. Ownership of your mailing list
    4. 4. Cash for offers and promotions
    5. 5. Measurement of results
    6. 6. Excellent return on investment
    7. 7. Improves customer loyalty
    8. 8. Improve your content strategy
    9. 9. Increase your sales
    10. 10. Facilitates automation

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a list of contacts for the purpose of promoting products or services, establishing or maintaining customer relationships, and fostering brand loyalty. This type of marketing can take many forms, from newsletters and follow-up emails, to drip campaigns and automated emails based on user behavior.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing


  1. Effective cost: Email marketing has very low costs compared to other types of marketing.
  2. Measurable: You can easily monitor and analyze the performance of your email.
  3. Customizable: You can segment your mailing list and personalize your emails for different audiences.
  4. Scalable: Email marketing can be done on a small or large scale, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  5. Direct access to your customers: Emails arrive directly in your customers' inboxes, allowing you to communicate directly and personally with them.


  1. Too much information: Many people receive too much email, so yours can get lost in the noise.
  2. Possible bad reputation: If you don't manage your email marketing strategy correctly, you could end up spamming and damaging your brand's reputation.
  3. It requires time and effort: Creating, sending and analyzing email campaigns can take a long time.

10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Still Important for Businesses in 2023

Despite the rapid advancement of digital marketing technology and the growing popularity of social media, email marketing remains an essential tool in every business owner's toolbox. Then, let's dive into it ten reasons why email marketing is a valuable and relevant strategy in 2023

1. Direct and consensual communication

Emails are sent to people who have actively subscribed to receive news from your company. This creates a more open and receptive communication environment. In addition, establishing a well-executed email marketing campaign allows precise segmentation of your database, helping to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with your customers.

  • Less is more: Instead of trying to reach as many people as possible, email marketing focuses on reaching the right people, those who have shown an active interest in your brand or product. This can lead to significantly higher engagement rates.
  • Opt-in vs. Interruption: Email is an opt-in communication medium, meaning that the people who receive your email have opted-in. That's a big difference from social media advertising, which can often be seen as a distraction.
  • A long-term relationship: Through regular and relevant communication, you can build a long-term relationship with your subscribers, which can be much more valuable than a one-time interaction on social networks. 😉

2. Direct and reliable channel

Email is a direct and reliable means of communication. While social media algorithms are constantly changing, email ensures that your message arrives directly in the inbox of your clients or prospects.

  • Higher open rate: Emails have a higher number of opens than messages on social networks.
  • Insured delivery: Unlike social media, there is no algorithm that determines who sees your email.
  • Greater organic reach: You don't have to pay for advertising to have your email visible in your contact list.

3. Ownership of your mailing list

Your email list is yours and yours alone. If a social network closes or changes its rules, You will not lose your contact database. In addition, a well-executed digital email marketing strategy allows you to build a closer relationship with your customers.

4. Cash for offers and promotions

Emails are a great way to inform your customers about new offers, products or services. According to studies, users are more likely to click on email offers than social media posts. This is why email is a key tool for digital marketing.

5. Measurement of results

E-mail marketing campaigns enable accurate and detailed measurement of results. Whichever email marketing tool you use for your strategy, you can know how many people opened your email, how many clicked on links, how many unsubscribed, etc. This information allows you to continuously adjust and improve your email marketing strategy. - mail.

6. Excellent return on investment

Email marketing is known for its excellent return on investment (ROI). With minimal costs compared to other marketing media, every euro invested in email marketing can generate significant returns, making it a strategic option for businesses of all sizes.

7. Improves customer loyalty

Email is a great tool for building and maintaining relationships with your customers. Through newsletters, personalized offers and relevant content, you can keep your customers engaged and build loyalty to your brand.

8. Improve your content strategy

Emails are a great platform to share your content. From blog posts and ebooks to videos and podcasts, you can use email to spread your content and drive traffic to your website.

9. Increase your sales

Emails, especially those tailored to user behavior, can be incredibly effective at driving sales. Product recommendations based on previous purchases, special offers and discounts can motivate customers to buy.

10. Facilitates automation

Email marketing automation can save a lot of time and effort. You can automate various processes, such as sending welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, birthday emails, and more.

How to do email marketing? Step by step

Email marketing is when personalized marketing messages are sent to a group of people via email.

Although we live in an era dominated by social networks and instant messaging applications, email marketing remains a key communication and promotional strategy that should not be underestimated. Now you know the importance email marketing and its ability to reach your customers in a direct and personalized way, ownership of your email list, its effectiveness in promoting offers, and an unmatched return on investment are just some of the reasons why email marketing is still important in 2023. At the end of the day, as long as you provide your users with valuable and relevant content, email marketing will still be a powerful and effective tool to grow your business.

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